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pavel1995 said:

I find this ironic because in nintendo's forecast they forecast a total of 154m shipped switchs for this year and the Switch I going to become the best selling console in Japanese history with 33m units sold. I think the interest in consoles is still alive, the growth hasn't been amazing but more people are playing games in this current era then in the ps4, xbone, and wiiu era.  

The problem is the *dedicated platform* game market has never grown bigger, revenue-wise, than where it was in 1982.

It managed to keep the illusion of growth through the declining arcade and handheld numbers, and market consolidation into a few platform holders (three, now increasingly two) but that source is running dry.

If the Switch 2 is a misfire (doesn't need to be a flop, mind, just a DS>3DS situation) and GTA6 doesn't turn fortunes around for consoles, I could see the dedicated platform market entering a downward spiral.