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Soundwave said:

Not much growth in this sector at all

One obvious point is though:

IF, like back in the PS3/360 era, the Series consoles would sell similiar units to PS5, the console market overall would still see growth.

Noone, except Microsoft, is responsible for its product selling.

So, while there is "no" growth overall, Nintendo still has it. And Sony's hardware revenue also grew. I know it's unpopular to say, but:

Drastically decreasing Series sales "drag" the growth of the console market down. This is why I personally took every recent statement from Spencer with a grain of salt when he said "The console business has hardly reached a point of growth." I mean, I know WHY he says it.

Anyway. PS5 is a unique occurence.

While it still sits 0.8k behind PS4 globally in total sales, it had to catch up an aligned gap due to shortages the PS4 didn't have.

In order to successfully catch up a gap though, it's not enough to sell just equal numbers. Instead, you have to, pure mathematically, exceed the other numbers in order to be able to catch up to anything.

This is why it translates to "PS5 7% ahead compared to PS4" in the US in FY23.

Which is: growth.

Last edited by Panicradio - on 14 May 2024