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Soundwave said:

I mean Michael Pachter basically laid it out ... the console industry is not growing, it's selling less hardware than 15 years ago and home console users are becoming older. Younger kids aren't married to the game console, but a lot of the games that have exploding budgets are relying heavily on the old console model ... which means the hardware should be growing to account budgets tripling, quadrupling etc. etc. but that's just not happening.

It also doesn't help that the opposite is happening with mobile, but with the same sort of effect, in that kids are flocking to mobile games and quick dopamine hit based titles, but on mobile you're still also seeing super low effort designs and skinner boxes aplenty.

So while the industry heavily relies on the old console model and inflated budgets, you have mobile gaming just spamming low effort garbage, and just like with AAA's, MT's slapped on top. There's no balance for either side of the markets and it's glaringly obvious that neither want to stop doing what they're doing. 

I;m not joking when I say there are people that will sometimes go "is this a mobile game?", because mobile game design has definitely influenced some devs into going low effort/simplistic and stale with game design or sometimes even art styles reminiscent of a mobile game app. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 10 May 2024

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"