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The problem with today's business isn't that making a product is simply not good enough to the business. Most businesses today that are publicly traded and have enough shareholders all tend to follow the same mantra of "line must go up", never "line stays steady and income flow is steady", because to those same execs/CEO's/Shareholders, that means "bad", that means it's in decline, when it simply isn't the case.

It also does not help that the modern customer is artificially being replaced by the shareholder, the group that cares about gaming/products the least, and only invests because they simply want a quick or lump sum pay-out, or another revenue flow to fund their expensive lifestyles and capital gains. The customers that actually care often get fucked over, disregarded, and going by Bethesda's recent stints, openly mocked and treated like absolute idiots/children.

We're seeing more companies today going well out of their way to mock customers, treat them like absolute dirt, while also demanding more money from them, making the customer jump through more hoops, lose more rights, have less control, enjoyment factors being reduced over time, to a point where you may as well be carrying your life savings into an open street and getting mugged by a corp-hired Pinkerton.

But here's the real kicker; people simply don't care, or enough people don't care, to stop this from being the new norm. People don't care and are now Stockholm syndrome'd into coming up with excuses like "it's just an account bro" "it's just another skin" "it's just a cash shop", "it's just online only bro, do you not have internet?".

You take a look at social media and you will see people actively going to bat for a load of corps willingly, and without hesitation, even though said companies actively spit on and disregard them openly, and it's so fucked, it's so mentally fucked to see people doing that, to go against people that just want things to go back to normal, for wanting a good product/service, a good price.

Things won't change as long as shareholders are the main focus, and corp execs/CEO's and suits are still at the top of every company, making the worst calls imaginable, and the same goes for those being allowed to handle PR and social media. Far, far too many nutjobs handling social media, who have have their own secret political agenda, being hired by these corps who don't give a single fuck to check the background of said person, and then give them the keys to the gate, and let them run wild, or worse, those same people starting up companies like SBI, who go around actively causing damage to games themselves for their own political activism horseshit.

I hate modern gaming. I hate it so much, I hate how ugly and disgusting and vile it has become. The way devs are treated, the way people go into game dev just to deliberately fuck with customers, because their childhood was shit.

My most recent tipping point was discovering that Helldivers 2's lead balance dev is in fact the same dev who fucked around with Hello Neighbour, who went against customers and removed features that made that game fun, all before release, and then he bailed, and now he's actively fucking around with HD2 weapon balance, constantly nerfing the fun out of the game. People are slowly but surely catching onto that dev's crock of shit, and yet Arrowhead won't admit this, they won't acknowledge that they have hired an absolute asshole of a dev, who is currently damaging their game and driving players like myself away.

Last edited by Chazore - on 10 May 2024

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"