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method114 said:
Azzanation said:

He also never said they are coming.

His statements align more with if a game underperforms, they might look into it.

Thats the standard practice that seems to match his wording.

Maybe but I honestly doubt it. I think everything is coming over. There's just no point in releasing some and not everything. You've already done the damage to the brand by releasing some might as well just go all in and focus on bringing in revenue. Hardware sales are dropping no matter what. There is no saving the hardware at this point and GP has been a failure. On top of that not only has GP not worked it's hurt the software sales on their own ecosystem making the hardware sales even less important.

Also when Phil said case by case I'm pretty sure he was just talking about Bethesda games. I don't think anyone expected XGS games to be included in that.

Yes, they can port some and not all. They release ports if they want an extra boost in cash or keep others to keep their own eco-system alive. It doesn't have to be black or white.