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7 is just a lightning in a bottle, everything clicked and created something iconic. The characters are lovable and memorable, human and complex. The world and the music, the themes and philosophies, everything is just beautiful. And the story, there are so many things happening at the same time, several big threats that intertwine in ways that feel natural and logical. There's also confusion, but it's intentional, it's supposed to keep you guessing things until the end. The world itself and what you are trying to achieve are perfectly clear and coherent. The materia system is my favorite system of all FF games and even beyond. It gives you a lot of flexibility in how you want to approach fighting and it ties in with the world and the lore seamlessly. 7 is just something that will never happen again.
I also liked 8 very much. I was a bit of a graphics whore at the time, so the character models were a huge upgrade compared to the blocky things in 7. It felt like they tried to replicate 7 in many ways. The socially inept protagonist, his mentor who turned bad, other characters like the martial artist and the gunslinger and so on. Forgotten memories that open up in the end for big reveals, come on. The story I felt was a little incoherent at times, but it was a very good game in its own right regardless.
Nine was good too, it had its charms and felt like FF but I didn't like the art style as much because in terms of "realism", it was a step back, and with some of the characters I didn't quite know what I was even looking at. The characters in general were very hit and miss, and none of them really stuck with you. And the story, I couldn't tell you what it was about anymore. Saving the world from some big baddie I guess, like always.