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VII easily. I didn't like the gameplay of IX too much. It was just way too easy. Until this very day I remember this exact game as the first one where I did never see the game over screen. It's more common nowadays I guess. I wouldn't know, I barely play new releases anymore, lol.

But back then I kinda always waited for the game to really start and then it was just over all of a sudden. Even that weird ball thingy, which I was told was the "Ultima Weapon" of IX wasn't a challenge and I wasn't even grinding or anything. I was so confused. It was just plain unsatisfying to beat the game that easily and with no challenge at all. Other than that, I can't even remember what the story was all about. Which is kinda the definition of forgettable. =P

I don't want to shit on the game or anything and it's totally cool if other people like it. But for me personally, IX is one of the weakest games of the whole franchise. Sorry.

Last edited by OdinHades - on 06 May 2024

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