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JuliusHackebeil said:

I don't know man. Perhaps I am just projecting, but I sense the movement of a goal post. Sure you did not say anything about the government. But you did say it was key to find out if something is thinly veiled hate speech or not. And how do we find that out? Your position seems to be: everyone for themselves. So your answer to the central question in the op would be "no, comedians should not have any limits". They can say whatever they want and if what they say is wrong, soon nobody would listen anymore. Free market, like you said.

Do you think that limits are only when the government applies them?

Consumer bases apply limits too. Society/culture places limits.

I've argued a few pages ago that everyone has limits. I wrote at least one post in here about how conservatives have their own boundaries.

JuliusHackebeil said:

And yet, you also said the problem is punching down. But who would stop people from punching down?

You said the problem is that some people push power over others. But who is to decide on what people in what instances have what sorts of transgressions? Speech transgressions mind you. Pushing power by saying stuff in a comedy show.

Then you said the real issue is being condescending and if you make holocaust jokes without being condescending, that is alright. So again, who is to say when somebody was a littel or too condescending?

These are me describing the same concept while using different words, hoping that one set of them will reach an understanding for someone.