TallSilhouette said: Seems like every week there's a new modded Cyberpunk video one upping the last, but this one in particular looks next level: Some moments are nearly indistinguishable from reality. Gonna be crazy when this level of fidelity becomes normal. |
I remember seeing some jaw-dropping videos of modded Crysis a long, long time ago, and if we ever got to those graphics, I'm sure it took a long time. I'm personally quite wary with my expectations. That said, proper path-tracing can be pretty much photorealistic, but it's also very demanding computationally. My quick guess is that computational power will start getting there in about two more console generations. That said, the best-looking games, at least with sufficient hardware, can probably get fairly close even sooner.
I feel like path-tracing is also a great example of why I'm been more interested in lighting etc. more than resolution, textures etc. for many years now. I guess you still need sufficiently good textures for a realistic look, but good textures without good lighting to back them up just look uncanny to me: it's great, but you know something doesn't fit the big picture.