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Machiavellian said:

Maybe this is a high-level play between MTG and MJ to lull the Dems into keeping him while they both scheme something that would make, they all consider resigning after having the chance to send him away. Yeah, I know the chance of MTG actually being that capable is not high but then again it doesn't have to be her plan.

I can guarantee it's not her plan and she's too inept to realize it's a bad plan.

Here are the 3 options:

1. If no call to vacate - nothing changes.

2. If call to vacate, D's help - nothing changes.

3. If call to vacate, D's don't help - seat is vacated.

If it were a ploy to keep Speaker Johnson, no need to call to vacate in the first place.  If the ploy were to coax D's into working with R's, it makes no sense.  D's had already shown they can work with R's on legislation.  Further, D's get leverage over R's. There is always some form of tit for tat. The Speaker is the one how determines which legislation gets voted on, has power over the Rules committee and appoints members to various other committees.  Minority Leader Jeffries will absolutely negotiate some influence in exchange for saving Johnson.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.