Conina said: If you like such a kickstand solution on a table, good for you. I can't enjoy games on a tiny screen 6'' - 7'' screen, if the distance to my eyes is 20'' (50 cm) or even bigger. For that distance I prefer a 10'' - 12'' tablet or a laptop screen. When I'm holding a handheld or smartphone, the distance to my eyes is usually ~12'' (30 cm), much better immersion (IMHO). There is also less mobility when you need a stable base to put the phone on. Works on a plane (since every seat has a table attached on its back), but not on most buses or trains, not in most waiting areas (doctor, hospital, DMV...), you can't play lying in bed/on a couch/on a deck-chair/in a hammock/standing in line... |
Well its a good thing I only play mobile games in my car that has a phone holder: - or I just use joycons for my OLED Switch when I'm playing that.
The only times I play anything mobile wise is when I'm taking a hour long break at work (in my car) or when I'm waiting for my wife when I pick her up at work (where I usually get another hour or so of play time). I have my iPhone 13 Pro Max and my OLED Switch for those times.
I never play anything portable on bed, couch, etc and if I'm standing in line I'm usually listening to music or browsing.
When I'm at home on my media room couch - I'm usually playing something on my gaming desktop, PS5, Xbox Series X, my OG Switch or one of my previous gen consoles like PS3.
On top of that , I'd only use a controller when playing something that requires precision movement or more movement in general like platformers, fighters, racing, etc. RPGs (jRPGs, turn based games) , visual novels and puzzle games I'm fine with touch screen controls.