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curl-6 said:
Leynos said:

The saddest thing to me is the SX is great hardware and it feels like an abandoned stepchild.

Yeah it's a damn shame; its powerful, smaller than the PS5, I even like the look of it.

Kinda the opposite of the Wii U which was horrible hardware but at least had some great exclusives.

You have to remember that something like 55% of xbox series sales, are the S model.
There is probably only like ~13m series X out in the wild.

On papir its more powerfull, but often games look or play the same or better on the PS5.
Its smaller though. Supposedly its more expensive to build than the PS5, as well.
So there are tradeoffs for everything.

Wii U was horrible price to performance, in terms of hardware (so is the switch, but its a handheld so it gets a pass).
It released just before a gen ended (at the end of a gen), and there was hype for newer hardware consoles, with more power.
And it released with barely better than current models on the market.  That and a poorly picked name, killed it.

The Series models, arn't horrible value for their price, in terms of hardware your getting.
With them the issue is more they have conditioned people to not buy games, but subscripte to gamepass.
Gamepass cannot sustain so many big titles, without massive loss of revenue potential, so its forced them to put their future games on other devices.
Xbox has been putting alot of smaller titles on gamepass, and for years, has been buying studios and building up, to be able to spit out big titles.
Telling people to "just wait, have faith, games will come".  Theres xbox fans that bought, new system after new system, waiting.... watching alot of their 1st party fall flat, and flop. That either went pc, or jumped ship.

Now its at that point. It has the potential to grow xbox hardware/gamepass, with big titles.
Starfield, Elder Scrolls, Indiana Jones, Fable, Gears, Fallout...  Call of duty, World of Warcraft, Diablo IV.. ect.

Put it all on gamepass, and lose tons of money on potential sales, but grow those xbox hardware / gamepass numbers.
or Dont....  make tons of money, but basically prove gamepass cannot sustain that many big titles.

What killed Xbox is the "wait til next year!" "wait til e3", and watching so many of their titles pushed out without the polish they needed, flopping in sales and reviews. While gamepass has been pumped with too much filler.  Theres only so many years, faithfull xbox users, can take that before you start loseing some of them.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 April 2024