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Looks like I didn't post here, but voted in the poll. I did expect that Xbox will be ever so slightly up in 2023, hence the "no" vote.

The first round of ports for rival consoles in early 2024 means that Microsoft had already given up for good on Xbox about midway through 2023, because ports take at least several months. So from here on out it's pointless to talk about Microsoft's upcoming games as a means to boost Xbox sales, because they've set the expectation that an Xbox purchase will most likely be completely redundant even for the people who don't want to bother with a PC at all.

Turns out that the whole Activision-Blizzard acquisition was never about boosting Xbox's prospects at all, but instead about bolstering Microsoft's standing as a third party publisher in the future.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.