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Renamed said:

In seclusion I suggest a boundary that doesn't impact a maligned population. That is to say if you only have 1 joke about a group, don't make it about people that are already shit on by society at large. If you are targeting everybody, go for it. But be ready to accept consequences too. They used to say, "Know your audience" but with the advent of the Internet and social media, your audience is everybody now.

That said, I now personally only joke about straight, white males because nobody is more sensitive.

Should this boundary be a legal, or personal moral one? Who would implement this? And what if a historically marinated group is currently causing a lot of problems and needs to be made fun of? I didn't mention this in my last post but a big purpose of comedy is to help society deal with issues and help it figure out who is right or at fault. It does this by reflectively poking fun at a situation or making fun of an offending party. However, any kind of hard boundaries would destroy this, and hurt comedy's ability to give us a nuanced perspective on life.  Just some thoughts,  sir. You had some good points, but not sure if you thought broadly on all of that.