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Pemalite said:
HoloDust said:

I thought it was rather silly that anyone thought those consoles would be 4K, let alone 4K60fps. I mean, GPU progress was in the gutter for years and pixel jump from HD to 4K is bigger than any console generation so far, so it was kinda funny to see anyone expecting those consoles to pull that off.

Devs are doing exactly the same thing they've been doing consistently for several generations - dumping frame rate and resolution for more visual bling - give them console with equivalent of 4x 4090 inside and they will do the same thing if they feel like visuals are more important than fps/resolution.

I will always go back to the argument I made over 10+ years ago on this very forum when people thought the Xbox One and Playstation 4 were going to be 100% 1080P/60fps consoles.

And that is... If the PC ain't doing it. Consoles aren't doing it.

Not always true.  PC doesn't change for online play but all three consoles are doing it.   😉