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What a clown, he';s just a big bully

Trump: ‘Incredible’ that Jews vote Democrat as Biden ‘100%’ on Palestinian side

Former US President Donald Trump has said that any Jewish person that votes for Joe Biden at the upcoming presidential election “does not love Israel and frankly, should be spoken to”.

Trump told conservative outlet Real America’s Voice that he doesn’t know “how a Jewish person can vote for Biden or a Democrat because they are on the side 100 percent of the Palestinians”.

Trump continued that he was “more pro-Israel than any other president by far” when he was in the White House from 2017 to 2021, a time in which he recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the US embassy there.

“Frankly, it’s incredible that historically Jewish people vote for Democrats. I don’t understand that,” he said.

Makes sense he doesn't understand most Jewish people are humans too that don't support occupation, apartheid and genocide.