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A203D said:

No. Thats what called a reality gap. Rather than engage in what you've observed and look deeper into the subject, your subconsious can't accept an alternative view. So you have created a reason not to look at more evidence because you can't accept what observation tells you.

We have events that are not the G7 and countless examples of where politicans did not 'trust the science' they told you to trust. Science that you seem to think is science but can't prove any of it, because of course its all fake science.

This is you in denial of Occam's Razar. In the next post you will once again try to ignore observation to maintain your perception of reality. This is called denial.

Politicians who are hypocrites are nothing new. This, however, does not disprove science. There are numerous examples of politicians not following their own advice and getting infected by COVID-19 because of it.

My favorite example is still the guy from a far-right party who got infected by COVID-19 and was put in intensive care in the hospital, then people joked about him getting potentially kicked out of his party because his situation is the denial of the party's position that COVID-19 is nothing more than a regular cold.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.