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A203D said:

You can't believe how glad I am you said that:

The politicans and the 'scientists' who told you to 'trust the science' didn't follow their own 'science'. They were in denial of their own 'microscope'. They refuted their own scientisim in plain sight of your ignorance.

What your sufferring from is a reality gap. Where you have used fake science and fantasy to provide a gap in your knowledge. Unless you have an alternate explaination as to why the scientists and politicans didn't trust their fake science?

Occam's Razor...

Word of advice, Google things first before saying them.

This doesn't even work as proof. Any G7 summit has a high security level by default, so any attendant at the time would been tested for COVID-19 before being let in, so there's no denial of science here. And while this should need to be mentioned under normal circumstances, you are a special case: If nobody among a group of people has COVID-19, then nobody is at risk of catching COVID-19.

Do weddings have the same security level as a G7 meeting? Obviously they do not.

This is what Occam's Razor is about.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.