Dulfite said:
The dude is a 90's Democrat. I'd argue he's an early 2000's Democrat, even. Just because liberals keep moving further left on *everything* doesn't mean people that were on the left before, or middle, are suddenly right ring, let alone far right. There are liberals now that think Bill Maher has become "far right", that Obama wasn't a liberal, it's baffling. I say this as a right wing person myself. I like Elon's free speech views, but he is too liberal for my tastes (and the many other tens of millions of conservative Americans' tastes) in other areas. Calling him far right is just not true. Just because someone moves away from me doesn't mean I've moved away from them. |
Musk is a moderate but voted democrat up until about 2 years ago. He voted for Hilary Clinton in 2016 and backed Andrew Yang in the 2020 Democrat primaries, and later voted for Biden in 2020. In 2022 he revealed he could no longer support Democrats because of how far left they have drifted on several key issues, calling them the party of division and hate. Since then he has encouraged fellow moderates to vote Republican to try and right the course of America.
There is indeed a growing trend of long time Democrat voting moderates and even center-left Democrats leaving the Democrat party here in the US. They pushed so far left on certain issues that many people just can't support them any longer. The straws that broke the camels back for many of them were the stances of many Democrat politicians on issues like trans procedures for children, trans bathroom policies, DEI policies in schools admissions and the workforce, and the state of the US-Mexico border.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 29 March 2024