the-pi-guy said:
They're fighting underrepresentation for other gamers. People need to stop being so sensitive. It's not an attack on white male folks, no matter how much they want to make themselves the victim. |
Yeah, white males are always the victim when other groups would like to see themselves more represented. It like the Barbie doll back when I was a child. All you could get was Barbie but soon marketing realized if you throw a little diversity you can get more sales. Like I said "Oh the victimhood". Someone is threatening our dominance in another media, pretty soon we will see more woman, black, Asian, Hispanic and other groups taking our fair share of gaming heroes, oh the horror. Anyway as the saying goes cry harder. The real issue I find funny is all the butt hurt every day people get over tweets. The only thing social media has shone is that to much of it is a waste of my time.