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New development in the SPD cowardice: Five German historians who belong to the camp of social democrats have sent a letter to the SPD bosses which apparently has hit hard enough that the SPD is willing to meet with them after Easter to talk about it all.

I'll take some liberty in translating key passages of the letter:

The communication of the chancellor and the party regarding weapon deliveries is rightfully strongly criticized. The SPD's arguments and reasoning are commonly factually wrong.

When the chancellor and his party draw red lines for German politics instead of Russia, they weaken Germany's security politics and play into the hands of Russia.

The historians also criticize Scholz for his definitive statements in response to Macron's strategic ambiguity, because such public disagreements are only encouraging Putin. Furthermore, the SPD is still lacking an honest analysis of their decades-long foreign politics regarding Russia, this makes the SPD lack credibility and open to attacks.

They also say that a real paradigm shift would require one thing above all: The understanding that Russia fights a hybrid war against Europe since many years, and that Russia's goal is to destroy Ukraine entirely since the beginning of the invasion in February 2022.

The core message of the letter is that the SPD is engaging in denial of reality.


Will something come out of this? Who knows. But the historians are people who are recognized as the SPD's peers, so at least the SPD won't ignore them like they do with so many others, including the oppositional parties as well as their own partners in the governing coalition.

One thing is clear though: After many months of Ukraine fading into the background, it's one of the hottest topics in news and politics again. Even if nothing comes out of this, an alive debate is still better than growing indifference.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.