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Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Wolfenstein, Mortal Kombat X, etc. aren't cell shaded. 

Look Square can argue this until they're blue in the face, the fact of the matter is they've mismanaged this franchise from something that used to open to 2.5+ million in Japan to a pathetic 246k opening. Was it worth it? I don't think so, even in the West, the sales of the franchise have gone south from FF7 even with prettier graphics, so what the fuck is really the point? It's not causing an increase of sales of the franchise any where in the world and by not having any foot hold with platforms that actually sell in Japan (Nintendo game systems) they've destroyed a once proud franchise there. 

Meanwhile Capcom sold how many millions of copies of Monster Hunter Rise on the Switch? 

10-20 hours doesn't sell, reviewers will point it out and all these studios are afraid the word will get out that it's a short game on the shelves sitting next to other games that offer 40, 50, 60 hours. That's why they don't want to do it. Again people don't take 30 seconds to look at it from the studios POV. 

If FF7 Remake Part I could be beaten in say 10 hours, you would have a whole other segment of people on the internet loudly complaining that Square-Enix is ripping them off. The easy answer is to simply pad games with filler content that is cheap to do and doesn't require an extra year of development and get the play time up to double. Again this is yet another byproduct of massive game budgets, to create an actual game with actual 30+ hours of gameplay with high end visuals becomes so costly that studios have to instead make what is really a 10-15 hour game and then pad it up to 25-30+ hours with filler that doesn't cost them a lot (ie: have the main character have to go ... find a cat all over the existing map). 

10 to 20 hour games don't sell?  Mario wonder, Odyssey, GoW, last of us, uncharted, re4, etc....  sold fine.  That take is hot garbage.

Depends on the genre, but not that many of them and the ones that really do have decades worth of fanbase built in. 

If you're making a new IP, and you don't have the luxury of nostalgia and you're trying to make a name for your "big budget AAA" game one of the most devastating things would likely be some smart ass reviewer on IGN on GameSpot saying your game can be beaten in like 10 hours and it's not really worth buying because of that and your 5 years of development is tarred and feathered in a 5 minute review. That's why developers prefer to add padding to bring that number up. 

If Square made a 10-12 hour Final Fantasy (mainline) there definitely would be people would be angry and upset about it. 

Sony is spending $200+ million (probably soon $400 million) just to make a God of War game that can be beaten on a weekend, that doesn't really speak well of the future of those types of games. What if you want to make something that looks 2-3x better but also want 30-40 hours of actual gameplay ... what's the budget for that? Half a billion?