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Radek said:
Soundwave said:

Developers pad games with filler content because people demand 30-50 hours play time for "epic" games. The problem is to fill that 30-50 hours will "real" gameplay would require another 8-12 months of development time and another $30-$40 million in budget. 

That's actually the reality of what's going on. So developers just pad the shit out of these games with mindless filler content. 

The problem with FF7 Remake isn't that it's three games, it would likely have taken them 8-9 years to remake the entire 3 game trilogy at the current quality, the problem is they didn't embrace the Switch, XBox, and PC platforms as well. Yes, you would have to tweak things a bit for Switch, but ultimately you need to have a high roof of userbase to do the 3 game anthology thing, not doing that was a mistake that probably is costing them 2.5-3 million copies per installment. 

I agree with PC and possibly Xbox, but that game on Nintendo Switch would just be unplayable blurry mess... Switch 2 can get entire trilogy in 2028.

They ported Dragon Quest XI to the Switch and it looked and played fine and that was a PS4 game. 

Maybe too you don't need to go balls to the wall with every stupid graphical effect, they have a version of FF7 Remake (Ever Crisis) that looks fine even on smartphones during the battle sequences it basically uses the same assets as FF7 Remake. 

I mean relative to the alternate ... destroying what was one of the best selling franchises in Japan and turning it into a joke sales wise, they've driven that IP into the toilet with bad business decisions. Was a few shiny textures and higher end sparkly effects here and there really worth cutting off a userbase of 140+ million and the no.1 platform in Japan by 10 country miles.