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konnichiwa said:
Machiavellian said:

So basically, you ignored all the games coming to GP Day one since that is MS main service.  You then ignore that MS give a bunch of these developer's pub which build relationships with MS and thus encourages them to then look to MS first when bringing their games to market, making GP deals or working on exclusive IP.  You ignore that giving visibility to bigger publishers it helps relationships with them, encourages them to not skip the Xbox ecosystem and also look to do deals like bringing their games day one to Xbox.

What I always find with your analysis is that you really seem to only look at what you want.  The problem is what you want is just to limited which is why you seem to never look at the bigger picture because you are to busy looking at the surface of things.

The thing is you have no clue what goes on behind the scenes, the deals and relationships that are being made or the communications between the partners and MS.  You really concentrate way to much on surface details which only give you the tip of the iceberg.

It was called the Xbox Partner preview and not the gamepass partner preview.  I did not ignore it tho and thats why I called the preview fine, seems to be general consensus that it was not bad or great,  just fine...

I think most hoped or maybe expected some new partners or new investments in partners but doesn't seem to be the case and again thats fine..

Don't really care about words, huge lists or whats happening backdoors.  Gamers in general don't care, it is about making those promises come true and deliver.

Let me get this straight.  MS partnered with 3rd party developers to bring games to their most prized service which has driven MS to purchase multiple studios and publishers but for some reason you believe the term, partner preview which mind you is exactly that a preview of games coming from MS partners is not relevant. 

Do not say most hoped, just isolate that statement to YOU hoped because I can tell you I did not have any expectations for the preview besides getting a look at some new games which is what the preview did.  Even still, there are a number of different studios making games that will be coming to MS xbox from different studios I never heard I just believe it comes a time where if all you see is something negative, that is all you seem to take away from these events.

Last but not least, it was you that made a point about how MS is working with their partners.  So basically you are saying if I do not understand what is going on then its not happening. What kind of gamer are you trying to be.  The entitled ones who believe everything revolves around them or the one who understands how things get done.  Also your last line seems just off.  What promises are you talking about.  Just because the event did not float your boat, its suddenly a promise that is only within your own head.  

Ok, so the event did not float your boat, we get it but I believe you are putting to much stock on just your one opinion or maybe you just have way to big of an expectation for these small events.  Maybe you should just take them for what they are, events to give air time to games coming to MS platform.