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Soundwave said:
sc94597 said:

There are many alternatives to state-socialism. 

My more optimistic bet, after there is a period of instability, is that we'll see the abolition of most intellectual property, private ownership of natural resources, and most production will be automated peer production for direct use. Prices for things will approach their marginal cost, which itself will approach 0. There might still exist markets, but they won't be for commodities, but rather specialized goods. 

The printing press wasn't a purely additive piece of technology. It fundamentally changed the social and religious systems of Europe. Its invention, for example, allowed Protestantism to rise in Europe and was a precedent for the transition into capitalism and wage-labor. Almost every major European war in the 16th and 17th centuries could be attributed to its invention. 

Who will make the "things" that have "prices" on them, and where will the people "buying" those "things" get that "currency" from? It will likely have to be a centralized organization ... or "government". Or will some "god like" AI also run that? 

And what happens per chance when such an AI decides it would be better off without human beings or at least, so many of them. 

^This!! We can't trust AI with creative fields, let alone our lives. How many times do I have to say The Terminator was a warning? ChatGPT is a stepping stone towards Skynet.