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sc94597 said:
Soundwave said:

Why would I work for anything, like food production ... for what exactly? So who is going to do those jobs? Robots as well? 

An AI could also very easily come to the realization that 9 billion humans is an awful lot. You don't need that many people, you could end most of them and just keep a few around in a kind of human zoo and still know everything you need to know about humans. Because if it develops the intelligence to drive vehicles, and create artwork, and perform surgery, develop medicines and cures for diseases, etc. etc. etc. ... it's not going to just turn itself off and stop there. 

You wouldn't work. The automated farms that your community co-locates would produce food, and collectively you'll have access to the food it produces. Any productive activity you engage in would be voluntary in the same way a person working on a Linux distribution volunteers their labor with no expectation to be paid. 

I think the concept of singleton A.I is farfetched fantasy nonsense. None of the models we  currently implement look anything like it. The technology that develops medicines and cures diseases isn't the same technology that drives vehicles, isn't the same technology that generates images. And even within these domains there isn't a single AI or technology.  

Not today there isn't but in the long run why would you think corporations won't try and merge these intelligences into one to see if they can become even more intelligent? The problem is not even that so much as an AI if it gets to point where it becomes self-learning and self-iterating will just take over the process without human input needed. You don't ask for permission to learn things, why would an AI as intelligent or more intelligent than you ask for permission? 

I wouldn't work, so yes you can call it a "community co-op" but really that would eventually be a "government" when you're talking about it having to function for millions of people in a country, and that means your entire existence is now tied to being obedient to said state. Don't think you'd be able to criticize it for too long before all that is shut down.