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Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think that's going to actually work out in any kind of way you think it is. Turbo Tax again reduced the need for accountants. Did it replace all of them? AI might. 

Do you think any AI company is going to spend billions/trillions of dollars to develop some incredible AI tool that can make games easily and then just limit that to a very small pool of customers like game companies? 

No. They will release that to a market of millions and millions of "regular people" because that's a market of hundreds of millions. Like OpenAI and MidJourney isn't worth shit if they just restricted their AI services to industrial clients. 

Then you're going to have a flood of games all over the place, much like Tiktok and Instagram are the new media platforms for video content, not Hollywood. Now you can argue that's a great thing, I don't think it's going to be as great as you think it is. 

The whole model of the industry in that case I don't even think will "exist" in the way people think. You'll have people just making and probably ripping off game assets to make their own Smash Bros. or GTA whatever and likely there is going to be all sorts of copyright issues too. 

You're going to end up with a setup where millions of people have no jobs but are sitting at home thinking they're going to be the next big "content creator". When everyone can make anything easily, then the value of that becomes nothing. The industry as you know it now won't exist likely in that scenario, it'll be a bunch of people making "homebrew" games all over the place and flooding whatever market is even left who will pay for anything. 

I wouldn't worry about the AI takeover.  We will destroy the planet environmentally or via warfare long before AI takes over the world. 

I think you have that backwards. The planet is going to be fine, the planet has seen far worse temperature changes than what's happening now and been far hotter (and far colder) in the past. Even warfare, no one despite all their talk really has any incentive to want to get into a war that would in the process destroy their own country (which is what would happen in any kind of huge scale war). 

AI in our life times has the potential to cause economic and political strife unlike anything anyone has seen. 

People will eventually riot and burn things to the ground if enough of them have no jobs. 

An AI that eventually becomes self aware and can learn exponentially IMO is the biggest threat to humankind. That said, I think it will be banned at some point flat out. Even the upper class rich people will push for a ban, there's going to be no one to buy anything if the "poor peons" don't have any money to spend because they have no jobs.