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SvennoJ said:

The voting results in Rochdale is threat to our democracy eh? 

I feel like the "a threat to our democracy" is the new race/sexism card for the 2024 elections, since the latter have been overused and lost any shred of impact thanks the fake outrage style of reporting MSM have been engaged in that stripped meanings from what used to be powerful words.

The elaborate stunt Labour pulled to deny the SNP's ceasefire motion from being presented is the sort of garbage countries with fake-democracies engage in like Egypt, spare me your democracy concerns!

..... and I despise the SNP/Hamza and Nicola Sturgeon, but that's where we are right now.

These days you don't need to dig up history to point out the double-faced policies these politicians are guilty of, and in a way, Gazans are exposing the entire lying gaslighting western apparatus, from journalists, newspapers, TV channels, military complex and their politician puppets at a level that we have never experienced before, even the averages joes and those who are most detached from politics are wondering in disbelief (thanks to social media). 

The veil has never been this thin, and in an undeniable important battle between the truth and lies, Gaza has won. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 03 March 2024