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konnichiwa said:
crissindahouse said:

And how did it benefit PS owners to get the same game they would get without PS moneyhatting it? 

And you really believe Sony paying for some Japanese exclusives really reduced Xbox sales by a lot? 

There are a lot of reasons, especially because MS themselves are fine with lower console sales as long as people use their ecosystem and reasons like that games like FIFA are looked at as PS games in Europe but the moneyhatted Japanese games from Sony? That won't really do much to either console. Xbox could maybe have 1-2m more in sales if games like FF would be on Xbox. 

They would not have gotten the same game, it is clear that some SE games became better because Sony also lend devs to SE.

It reduced the sales in the past, it is reducing the sales now and it will reduce xbox sales in the future, in general SE/FF/KH fans will choose the PS ecosystem because it has the SE games they invested in and it has the games community..

So, what do you think how many SE/FF/KH fans would have chosen an Xbox instead of a PS this generation if the same SE games would have released on Xbox?

There are obviously some but is it a number worth to talk about? It's really only worth to talk about if Xbox sales would be like 5-10m higher by now and not if Xbox would be +2m by now and PS -2m in sales. That's just irrelevant for MS to pump money in all these games.