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Bofferbrauer2 said:
hellobion2 said:

Stupid question but when did this pc master race conspiracy start. Because we know pc is the best system to play games but when did people start saying "pc master race" etc

The "PC Master Race" came from a Zero Punctuation review of The Witcher (the first game in the series):

As a concept it probably began slowly during the PS2 era, maybe even late PSOne when PC games had graphics that made console games look like a decade behind thanks to GPU development vastly outpacing what the consoles could muster out of it's hardware.

I'd say even before the PS1, when the first SVGA games arrived (640x400 or 640x480 resolution, quadruple of the VGA resolution) and the co-processor of the 80386 was used.

Links 386 Pro (1992):

Microsoft Flight Simulator 5 (1993):

Also Larry 6 SVGA (1993)