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Devil Dice.

FF 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. But for the love of all that is, keep the gameplay. Could not fathom how they'd ruin FF9 by making it action based or how 8's magic system would be completely changed because waiting for a GF to occur isn't "thrilling" enough. spam X 20 times to do 200 damage in 15 seconds, to press X once to do 200 damage once every 15 seconds. Same result, one just looks flashier.

Valkryie Profile 2.

Star Gladitator and Rival Schools. But these would be more of a relaunch than anything.

Dragon Age Origins but this would literally be a remaster, I think if they changed too much of the world, it might lose it's charm.

Hmm, pie.