I think that the switch will overtake the ps2 in sales.
142m END of FY2023 Selling 16m
152m END of FY2024 Selling 10.5m+
158m END of FY2025 Selling 5.25m+
160m+ End of life
I think that the delay of switch 2 and the last sole holiday ensure that the switch will sell well. I imagine a 33% drop in sales from 16 million to 10.5 million is reasonable not to mention if there is a BIG pokemon game this year like a legends or let's go it would help boost sales. The let's go and legends games have both sold 15 million units so I'm expecting a 33% drop if that were the case isn't unreasonable.
In FY of 2025 while the normal school of thought is that a system will lose about 66% of sales when a new console releases I think the drop will be 50% because of pokemon. I think that pokemon gen 10 will be switch 1 exclusive as pokemon typically don't put out new entries the first year a console comes out, so I do think that the switch will have another 25m seller. I do believe that a game that sells 25 million units probaby can bump sales as we have seen pokemon increase sales of switch hardware every time a new game comes out.
At that point all it will take is continued support of the switch with continued production and the swtich should pass the 160 mark.
All I really need for this prediction is that the pokemon company continuing to release games on switch and for fairly reasonable drops to happen.