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The "problem" with Taurus isn't that Ukrainian soldiers would have to input the data by themselves which Scholz doesn't trust them to do but that Taurus uses data which only German soldiers have access to. It's obviously not a simple "type in the location and Taurus does the rest". It uses full topologic data for the whole route which is collected by German specialists so that in Scholz' head, this is German soldiers contributing to the war.

I'm obviously still 100% supporting Taurus for Ukraine (all we have) but it's also not the full truth if some on Twitter just are like "Ukrainian soldiers can type in the data by themselves" because typing them in by themselves isn't what this is about. It's about where and who the data comes from. 

The real reason isn't much better though...The West and especially Scholz should really start to give a shit about some involvement by own soldiers or thinking about what could happen if Ukraine would destroy something in Moscow or whatever. Russia uses weaponry from Iran and North Korea. Russia sends people from the whole world into Ukraine if they want to fight for some Russian money so that there is 0 reason to act like the West can't do that.

It's about time to show Putin that there is no safe zone for the Russian military not only in Ukraine but also hundreds of miles into Russia so that supply lines won't be safe anymore. Ukraine has to resupply their troops over 1000 miles of potential targets of Russian strikes and Russia can resupply their troops from some miles away because Ukraine can't use heavy weaponry against those targets. 

On a  positive not, Germany sent Ukraine 14k rounds of 155mm ammunition the last week and the week before was also decent. I hope that means a much better situation of the production and that this will be the norm now. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 26 February 2024