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IcaroRibeiro said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Ngl this post of yours didn’t add to the discussion and I’m disappointed in you.

There is no doubt, if the Switch launched in Nov 2016 then the Switch would be ahead by 4-6M units. So personally I feel like this particular discussion has been resolved.

I’m wondering if Mexico and South America will start to purchase more Switch units in the next 2 years. Does anyone else think they will be part of the last sale pushers? Or will they continue to be “irrelevant”?

 Brazillian here. Switch will keep irrelevant. Even among hardcore gamers the system is no longer trending. Despite being cost-prohibitive the PS5 and its peripherals are easily outselling Switch since we got some stock (2022)

If Nintendo wanted do capitalize the buzz of the console they should have done it between 2019 and 2021, but the company only started to officially selling the Switch here in 2020 and physical games in 2022 I think. Too late 

Nintendo also don't localize their games to Brazil, a bummer for supposed a family friend console. Most brazillians only speak portuguese and certainly no kids here have two languages before the age of 10, baring the case of having foreign parents 

I often see games on Switch in Portuguese, is it European Portuguese not Brazilian?