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LurkerJ said:

Not sure how you can continue to watch the news, @SvennoJ, thank you for keeping the Palestinian thread updated, I shut off recently and my mood has been cranky, even Bernie fumbled easy questions by Novara Media. People don't seem to understand that the Israeli genocide is more disgusting than the Russian one because one is preventable by a push of a button, funded by our money and the other one is simply not.

The Israel genocide is much bigger indicator of the west fading relevancy than the Russian will be when it's all said and done. Labour and Biden can't get the IDF soldiers to stop parading & documenting their genocide on TikTok despite the massive damage its doing to their election chances. I have been moaning a lot about the weak west and the rising global south recently even before this war, glad to see Israel clearly telling us which faction it belongs to despite all the help and protection they receive, as if MBS and the gulf states needed more reassurances that their continuous humiliation of Biden is consequence-less 

Our politicians continue to shell for their donors first, mega-corporations and foreign rich donors above all. I hope people continue to harass them in public and expose them for the obedient drones they are. Labour can thank their luck that the average right-wing British voter seems to off-put-able by lies and broken promises compared to Republican voters, otherwise, Kier would be in a similar position to Biden, i.e., losing in most polls. 

US Politicians also can't stop inciting genocide. Imagine if anyone congressman would openly call for the death of all jews...

Republican Congressman Andy Ogles said of Gaza, "We should kill them all."

Long time US impunity has done its work as well.

Meanwhile Canada is acting the coward again, pulled out of the ICJ arguments at the last minute, but did submit a written statement earlier in support of Israel.

Some see it as a positive:
Canada’s shift in stance appears to be a strategic move to distance itself from any potential implication of genocide. The withdrawal from advocating on behalf of Israel suggests recognizing the urgency and gravity of the situation.

However it's just a coward move not to get called out in the media

Global Affairs Canada says an oral submission was unnecessary because the government's position, while still relevant, has not changed. In a written submission from last summer, Canada says it should be the UN Security Council, not the General Assembly, to help broker a negotiated peace. Canada is urging the court not to issue an advisory opinion for fear it would disrupt efforts to work towards a two-state solution.

It's basically the same legal maneuvering the US and Hungary have provided

The UK hasn't submitted a written statement, I'm curious what they have to say tomorrow.