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haxxiy said:

It has always been a shitty dog-eat-dog world. Wars and coups were all the rage until the 70s and 80s, UN be damned. We'll look back at the anomalously quiet decades in the aftermath of the Soviet Union's dissolution most of us grew in and remember them as the most peaceful (and democratic) period of our lifetimes.

Hmm. I grew up with the IRA bombings, Freddy Heineken hostage taking and frequent plane hijackings, Lebanon, Falklands, Iran-Iraq wars, Tsjernobyl fallout, Rwanda genocide, Gulf war, Kosovo war, then 9/11 happened and things only heated up more.

I don't remember any quiet decades...

Death toll from armed conflict has been going down, but that's changed completely in the past 5 years

It's more that conflicts also took a lot longer, 20 years of Afghanistan from 2001

During the War in Afghanistan, according to the Costs of War Project the war killed 176,000 people in Afghanistan: 46,319 civilians, 69,095 military and police and at least 52,893 opposition fighters.

Invasion of Iraq since 2003

  • The actual number of civilians killed by direct and indirect war violence is unknown but likely much higher.

  • Life-threatening damage to Iraqi health care and other infrastructure has not been repaired: civilians are still dying in significant numbers.

Probably also one of the reasons Israel is saying, "what's the big deal"... Big daddy could flatten Mosul and Fallujah without consequences.

Peaceful if you ignore the news...