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If it is indeed delayed to early 2025 hopefully they do something to spur sales this year. Otherwise Switch sales are probably gonna get pretty ugly this summer and for the holidays. Dropping a bunch of first party games to $30 with the Nintendo Selects thing, and a $50 price cut on all models should be good enough to get one final solid year of sales even with no first party games of note coming. If they put out Zelda Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Prime 1, and Prime 2 it could actually be an alright final year and not go crawling into the next gen launch.

So if launch isn't until early 2025 Switch will likely be over 150 million sold by the launch. Not sure it'd be able to pass PS2 though, given that the two systems are going to be very similarly priced if Switch doesn't get a solid price cut, there would essentially be no reason for anyone to buy a Switch anymore except for some people picking up the budget Lite.