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I love how certain people don't question shit at all when it's Microsoft, Series S is a Series X hardware class, no questions asked, why because MS told them so, even if the performance differences in the two systems are quite large. But in that case if you dare compare a Series S to a PS4 Pro, they immediately go into a "well you can'T juSt cOmpARe To Ps4 PRO Doooood! That's Toutttallly different!!! Have to considERRR the FeatureSSET of Seeeeeeeeries SSSSSSS, not jusT teraFLops!!".

But that of course doesn't apply to the Switch 2, the modern feature set, which we know it will have (better than the Series S honestly, Nvidia has DLSS, AMD doesn't), then doesn't apply there. That only applies for the Series S, lol. All the double standards are hilarious.

They'll never make a stink and say the Series S is not comparable to the PS5/XSX, only for the Switch 2 do they feel threatened for whatever reason when it gets talked about in potentially a similar kind of way.