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The Sony/MS exclusive ecosystem model is falling apart. They are both going to have games all over the place in the coming years, don't think much can be done.

The economics that they're trying to make work, just don't work great when game development is this expensive and takes 5-8 years per major game.

MS is just in a much worse spot as far as the console side goes. 

Think XBox is a sinking ship of a brand no matter what. Their best bet honestly would be to beg Nintendo to take over the XBox brand and try and get some of their older Nintendo IP titles (you're not going to get the up to date ones, those are for Switch 2 only) on it in exchange for Nintendo getting a big cut of the licensing fees and MS eating any and all hardware losses, but I don't think Nintendo would even agree to that. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 14 February 2024