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Just a few days ago, Trump gave an invitation to Putin to invade some of our Ally — NATO Allies. He said if an Ally didn’t spend enough money on defense, he would encourage Russia to, quote, “do whatever the hell they want,” end of quote.

Can you imagine a former President of the United States saying that? The whole world heard it. And the worst thing is he means it.

No other president in our history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can: I never will.

For God’s sake, it’s dumb, it’s shameful, it’s dangerous, it’s un-American.

When America gives it word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it. And NATO is a sacred commitment.

Donald Trump looks at this as if it’s a burden. When he looks at NATO, he doesn’t see the alliance that protects America and the world. He sees a protection racket.

He doesn’t understand that NATO is built on the fundamental principles of freedom, security, and national sovereignty, because, for Trump, principles never matter. Everything is transactional. He doesn’t understand that the sacred commitment we have given works for us as well.

In fact, I would remind Trump and all those who would walk away from NATO: Article 5 has only been invoked once — just once in our NATO history — and it was done to stand with America after we were attacked on 9/11. We should never forget it.

You know, our adversaries have long sought to create cracks in the Alliance. The greatest hope of all those who wish America harm is for NATO to fall apart. And you can be sure that they all cheered when they heard Donald Trump — when they heard what he said.

I know this: I will not walk away. I can’t imagine any other president walking away. For as long as I’m president, if Putin attacks a NATO Ally, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory.

Let me close with this. You’ve heard me say this before. Our nation stands at an inflection point — an inflection point in history — where the decisions we make now are going to determine the course of our future for decades to come. This is one of those moments.

And I say to the House members, House Republicans: You’ve got to decide. Are you going to stand up for freedom, or are you going to side with terror and tyranny? Are you going to stand with Ukraine, or are you going to stand with Putin? Will we stand with America or — or with Trump?

Republicans and Democrats in the Senate came together to send a message of unity to the world. It’s time for the House Republicans to do the same thing: to pass this bill immediately, to stand for decency, stand for democracy, to stand up to a so-called leader hellbent on weakening the American security.

And I mean this sincerely: History is watching. History is watching.

In moments like this, we have to remember who we are. We’re the United States of America. The world is looking to us. There is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. In this case, acting together includes acting with our NATO Allies.

Remarks by President Biden on Senate Passage of the Bipartisan Supplemental Agreement | The White House

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 February 2024