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konnichiwa said:
Machiavellian said:

The thing is, you really do not know who is doing a port but more importantly, why would you care.  Why as a consumer would I care what gets ported to another system, all I care about as a gamer is the game.  That is like me getting upset that MS port to the PC all their first party games when those teams could be spending that time concentrating on just the Xbox.  You are assuming that the people who are doing the port would be the same people developing the game but that is not always the case.

If you owned a PS5 would you have the same mindset if the same studio that did GOD of War also spending their time creating a port of the game for the PC.  The only thing as a Xbox owner I care about is getting good games from MS.  I really do not care if a game here or there gets ported to multiple systems because in my mind, I like for good games to have access to as many people as possible so that another game gets done with a bigger budget and allow the teams to expand on what they do.

So no, I did not buy an Xbox for the games that get ported to the PC or even for the few that are probably going to get ported to Nintendo and Sony system.  I bought the console because its where I do most of my gaming and the majority of my apps I use to view content not to mention GP.  As long as MS can pump out games I enjoy, I probably will get the next system.

1 Would you prefer Rare delays Everwild with 3 months or more so they can make a port of SoT for other platforms or do you prefer to not delay Everwild.

2 Would you prefer MS gave People can Fly 30 million $ to port games like Gears to other platforms or would you prefer MS gave that money to make a game for Xbox?

I hear the argument ' money' but we saw that argument before; 'if games come on PC day one they will make more money and we as gamers will get bigger better games'   =>  Result  Halo Infinite wasn't really flooding with content and felt like one of the weakest entries;  Forza motorsport wasn't that impressive either, and Gears got an extra game but it was an PC time exclusive so how did xbox gamers profit from it?

MS gaming revenue growth =/= Benefits for Xbox gamers.

Phil and others are continuously making mistakes and in 10 years we will get 'We lost the digital generation with Xbox one and we lost the xbox series generation because we started to port games to other platforms.  It really started the sharp decline in the console sales, has hurt the Xbox handheld sales and made us dependant on other platforms to make a profit'. 

What makes it worse is that some will keep protecting Phil's horrible takes    'I am tired of going to Japan to open my wallet to get some games on our platform' and now are the same ones who agree with Phil the ones who are complaining that we miss out on SE games/Team Ninja games because an other Ceo from an other platfrum is like 'Lets open the wallet because investing in getting those games for our platform will be good for the sales of the platform and will make our customers happy'

Ryuu pretty much answered most of what you stated.  Most gamers have absolutely no clue about development and thus just throw out all kinds of weird theories, worrying about things that doesn't even come into play.  As stated, I only care about the games I know not the hypothetical situations that have no meaning to me.  I do not care if MS spend what ever money to port whatever game to whatever system it has no meaning to me.  I do not live my life waiting or caring about such things because there is so much other things I do with my life and time that such matters will never effect my mindset.

What mistakes is Phil actually making.  Your ideal of success and MS probably is totally different.  That is the situation, there are barely any moves I have seen from Phil that I would say are mistakes but they all probably do not line up with what you think MS should do.  That is why you do not work for MS, run a billion dollar division because as far as the MS gaming goes, MS is well into the black.  MS isn't just about consoles and thus they do not have to put all their eggs in that one basket.

From my perspective, there is a lot that goes on that you just have no clue about.  You believe that MS should do this or that but that is the couch quarterback making calls with total ignorance believing they know the situation. MS may never be a console powerhouse or close the gap on Sony but then again they do not have to because the business of gaming is way bigger than the console market.