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h2ohno said:
Soundwave said:

It's not like you get nothing out the trade off on a hybrid. The huge addition is you're getting a portable version of every game that you can play anywhere you want. 

Frankly, that's a much bigger deal to a lot of people than having a resolution bump + 60 fps. 

Want proof? Anyone dumb enough to claim a Switch that was not a hybrid but could run all its games like BOTW at 1440p + 60 fps would sell anywhere close to the current Switch? 

It wouldn't. It probably would have trouble selling even over 20 million units instead of the 150+ million the Switch is going to finish at. A lot more people are interested in a Breath of the Wild at 900p + 30 fps AND portable + home play versus a version that would be maybe 1440p + 60 fps but losing the portability. 

There's no game I've ever played in my life that was ugly or not fun to play at 1080p + 30 fps that suddenly became good looking and fun to play at 1440p + 60 fps. 

It's a nice to have. It's not a generational shift or even close to that though. And also funny how we don't have every PS5 thread flooded with people saying the 4090 is a much, much better piece of hardware and you shouldn't enjoy PS5 games because they can't possibly run as well as they could on a 4090 and PS5 is clearly a generation behind a 4090, etc. etc. etc. Every game on the PS5 that's available on PC, a 4090 can run it at a better resolution and better frame rate than a PS5, but no one seems compelled to have to put that into every PS5 discussion. Interesting how the gate keeping only applies to one console and one console only. 

I say I want a generational leap over the current Switch because without that it would be hard to justify having a new console at all.  A better Switch has to be just that, and must be significantly more powerful than what released 7 years ago and possibly 8 years by the time the Switch 2 finally comes out.  How it compares to the PS5 is less important than how it compares to its immediate predecessor.  In theory, Nintendo could reinvent the wheel for the 4th time in a row and justify an incremental increase in power by changing the way we play games yet again.  But that has huge risks as the Wii U proved, and they've found such a perfect niche with the Switch as it is that they only have what to lose by doing that.  If it doesn't allow for games that look significantly better than Mario Kart 8 from 10 years ago and also doesn't completely change the game like everything since the Wii has done, they might as well just keep selling the current Switch forever.

The Wii and DS are really their only "gimmick miracle" consoles, everything else they ever sold needed a significant amount of power for its time to impress gamers. 

Yes, even the NES/Famicom and Game Boy. People who didn't grow up in those eras revise history, but lets just start with the Famicom/NES. The Famicom launched in Japan the same *exact* day as Sega launched their competing SG-1000 console (no one mentions this of course). The Famicom was waaaaay more powerful, it could easily handle (for the time) complex scrolling level games while the SG-1000 was kind of stuck in like Atari 2600 land with static screen games on a generic black background type of thing. In the West, most people's conception of a home console then was basically the Atari 2600, the NES was a monstrous upgrade over an Atari 2600, it's like going from silent films to movies that have sound and color. 

The Game Boy, people need to understand, before the Game Boy, the normal "standard" for portable gaming before Game Boy were those shitty Tiger Electronics games your parents would buy you for like $20, lol (or Game & Watch if you were lucky I guess). 

Getting a Game Boy in like 1989, 1990 was absolutely a mind blowing device for most normal people, going from that static screen Tiger shit to a fully realized Mario side scrolling game even in green and white, playing multiplayer Tetris in your backseat with a sibling, playing games like Ninja Turtles and Castlevania ... that was absolutely a massive upgrade for almost anyone. I remember having to go on an 8 hour cross country trip with this thing as my only entertainment:

You bet your ass my mind was blown the first time I saw a Nintendo Game Boy.