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They need to be consistent which they haven't been.

Nintendo has always delivered what they do best, a console that delivers Nintendo games through its life span and maybe the odd new IP.

Sony, similar to Sega have always invested in new IPs that vary in successful sales, are quirky and or are successfully reviewed.

Xbox original did well in that front but then came the 360.

Front loaded with games and then last half of the gen pivoted away from games to shovelware and kinect.

Xbox One they started with TV TV and Kinect and then kinda had some games but then as the gen went on became less invested in games and started to move to Game pass and The Beast or Monster tactics.

This gen it was all about gamepass.

Every gen their focus has changed and therefore they have lacked consistency and what the brand is about. You just don't know what you will get and their PR is just that, it is PR. It often don't translate too much other than PR.

They need to pick something that is feasible and plausible and then stick to it.

I reckon had they stuck to what their plan was with the original Xbox and not gotten greedy and careless, Xbox would be in a totally different space right now.