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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

The Wii could get away with having low end hardware because they had a freaking revolution for a controller that rendered the hardware irrelevant. 

It's like saying "well my mom was a supermodel, so that means I get to be a supermodel too" ... yeah well hold the phone for a second there, first of all, are you even good looking? If the answer is actually you ended up just being average looking, well then no, you're not going to have the same career your parent did, sorry to break reality to you. 

They were able to get away with things with the Wii and DS that they cannot get away with in the current market, even as is, the Switch 2 will have to be a massive upgrade over the Switch 1, not just a little one, otherwise people are going to say "nah, don't need it", unless they have some kind of incredible game play innovation ... but as I said above that's hard to have. 

Those kinds of things, like the Wiimote, are R&D miracles that happen maybe once every 20-30 years if you're lucky, Nintendo hit it big twice on touch/motion controls, but as we saw with 3DS and Wii U, they weren't able to replicate that success because hardware gimmicks don't work linearly like that. Just because you did it once or even twice, there is no guarantee your third and fourth attempts will yield the same result. 

If Switch 2 is for 2024 what Switch 1 was for early 2017 (top end mobile chipset), that will be more than fine. If Nintendo put a shit chip in there for Switch 1 that was like 1/3 the speed, the system would have sold less than the 3DS IMO, a large part of the appeal is that it can play big, console style games along with other types of games together on one platform. 

Dude the switch sales started exploding in 2020 and when the hardware was already extremely dated even as mobile chipset . I don' see a huge part of the appeal is playing big consoles games as none of those have even cracked 5 million, i think the appeal was the hardware could actually do nintendo games justice on a handheld and can alos be played at home, if anything switch  really proves it's user base could care less about graphics as its still selling great while being extremely dated tech since 2020.

Nintendo just has to hope another pandemic comes along right when they're releasing the next Animal Crossing. 

Fact is linear hardware upgrades have been hard for Nintendo, even SNES from NES was more of a pain in the ass than they bargained for I think, in the US a lot of people did the whole "well Super Mario World doesn't look much better than Mario 3" for a while and then they got into an unexpected mud fight with Sega which seemed dead to rights just a couple of years earlier. 

For a linear hardware upgrade to work (when you don't have a Wii or DS touch monopoly miracle) you basically have to upgrade the hardware very well. 

Because otherwise people will just go "wait ... what's so great about this? I already have a Switch". No hardware manufacturer in the history of this business has been able to do a linear hardware upgrade that was a mediocre hardware upgrade unless they had some miracle control gimmick. 

Which frankly I don't think Nintendo has. Switch 2 is just going to be a Switch 1 with a graphics upgrade. As such, the graphics upgrade has to be pretty substantial, it can't be half assed.