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I love the "you can't trust your own eyes on Youtube!". There's a good chance Switch 2 has more usable RAM for gaming than a 2050 also.

Normal people don't really give a crap about this stuff, high end GPU sales have been tanking, it was inflated by crypto miners for a few years, had a boost during COVID when everyone was locked in their homes, and is now crashing back down to earth. The market for the really high end GPUs is like maybe 1% of the gaming market, 99% of people aren't in that market and don't care to be in that market. 

To be honest if you're paying for a high end GPU thinking you're going to get a massive lift on the settings side, you're totally get suckered, lol. The difference is not even close to being worth paying 3-4x the price. Developers optimize the low setting to be great these days, it's basically what medium+ settings used to be. Reason is as I stated they can't just make custom lower end models and textures and lighting just for a low version, it would cost a lot of money and time to do that, so the low version is still getting all the same models, same basic baked lighting effects, same textures even for the most part. You're not going to hire a couple of artists just to redo every texture in a game, that would be insane. 

A 3050 is basically a PS5, having DLSS and better ray tracing (Nvidia > AMD) as well I would take a 3050 over a PS5 honestly. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 11 February 2024