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Runa216 said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Ok. Why is it a dog whistle?

"The idea is to use tamer, coded words to cover the bigoty they mean,"

A Dog whistle is when a bigot uses cleansed language to make their terrible beliefs more palatable for a wider audience in order to lure them in and indoctrinate them to the bigotry. 

"A collapse of the familiy unit" is a well known dog whistle referring to the idea that gay marriage and other non-traditional relationship paradigms will somehow destroy the concept of the nuclear family. You know this. How could you not? And the fact that you're calling me out and demanding I explain is part of the grift. Now you can look at what I'm saying and act all innocent like 'no that's not what I mean at all, you're reading too much into it and putting words in my mouth! Woe is me, I'm SUCH a victim here that you accuse me of such a thing with such unsubstantiated assumption!" 

I'm not mistaken. that's what that means. The deniability is part of the strategy. but at this point everyone knows about it, everyone recognizes it, and it's honestly pretty shitty that you're using this terminology in order to instill this idea that the traditional family unit is under attack. This is why conservatives are so commonly seen as villains in modern society. 

Runa216, thank you for giving me the definition. I honestly didn’t know what a dog whistle was, which is why I asked.

I do hope you can reread my posts, ponder the message, and learn from it. As I do when I read any post.

I hope you have an excellent day! Thank you. :)

(I hope none of my posts had a single glint of hatred, texting in a curious and firm voice is difficult).

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