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Shtinamin_ said:
Machiavellian said:

It will, as we all know in politics doing anything that makes the other party look good is never a good thing.  That is why nothing ever gets done unless one party or the other has full control of both congress and the president office.

Why are people so worked up over which party did what?
Shouldn't legal U.S. citizens be trying to make our country, and community better in every aspect?
Why can't everyone work together as a team?

Pride (it's on both sides) and the dysfunction of the family unit will lead to the destruction of the United States of America.

Oh come on, the Democrats are constantly "meeting Republicans in the middle" and then the Republicans go further to the right and scream at the Democrats not "meeting them in the middle" whilst constantly changing what the middle is and further moving it to the right.

The Republicans said no more aid to Ukraine unless it's tied to a border deal, they tied Ukrainian lives to their campaign of hatred towards immigrants, all because they wanted a political win for the upcoming election, the Democrats compromised once again and tied a pretty right wing border deal to Ukraine aid, then Trump said "NO. DON'T VOTE FOR IT" and suddenly the Republicans no longer want it.

Now the border deal is dead and Ukraine aid is once again hanging in the balance.

Despite the Republicans demanding the two be tied together but their messiah Trump said no so now nothing.