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twintail said:
Azzanation said:

Why don't you think it's great if MS move away from Hardware? You don't game on Xbox so how does this affect you in anyway shape or form?

The way I see MS working GP into other eco-systems is to stop selling competitive products like Hardware. Many fail to understand the pull GP has. Sony actually gains more customers if it became an option. More people will buy PS knowing they have the option. More PS sales = more money.

Sony won't accept GP now, because MS has the Xbox Series S/X as a competing platform, the moment MS drop hardware, Sony won't have a threat in the highend console market, and they will gain a treasure trove of IPs from GP and an extra audience to follow. 

ice said:

"Be careful what you wish for" is going to come to mind in a decade's time, competition was good and will always be for consumers.

Good for who exactly? Because I can tell you from a PC standpoint, MS dropping out of the console industry has no effect on me and many others.

Less competition for one, which may or may not be a good thing. Just because I don't buy MS consoles, doesn't mean I don't necessarily get the competitive benefits of it existing.

And without the hardware, MS is betting a lot on other platforms to keep their subscription service viable. There's no reason for Sony to have to agree to GP on the platform if those games are being sold on their digital store, which I assume (maybe incorrectly) is more financially lucrative for Sony. 

As for GP on PS, it'll be slow going for a while: these games need to be working on PS hardware to begin with and I imagine it'd be a MS only catalogue presented, which kind of diminishes part of the appeal of GP. 

If you want the competitive advantage of competition than you need to support it otherwise, the competition will get up and leave like we have seen since the beginning.

So many gamers were upset that Sega left the hardware market, the very same people that wouldnt buy a Sega product. It makes zero sense.

No company in their right mind will compete just to make you happy while spending billions. Xbox have witnessed how bias the industry is towards them. Give them reasons to stay that actually benefit them, otherwise like we are seeing with the rumours, will get up and leave. They dont care what Sony does, they can survive without them aswell, so weather Sony does right by you isnt MS, Xbox or Phils responsibility. If you choose not to support them, dont expect them to support you either. Its the Sega situation all over again.

Lets not forget, MS own the brands that make Sony the most amount of money, so if anything, its Sony that needs MS because those Shareholders dont want to lose that CoD money.