TeachMeHisty said:
Handhelds are obviously consoles, dont let yourself get triggered by that. But arent legacy editions basically just updates of the teams? If the FIFA mandates the publisher to release at least 1 game, then it that one is guaranteed to exist. For the others, they probably exist, because they are only legacy editions. Would be stupid to not release a somewhat selling game, if you're going to re-release the same game with just a database update at almost no additional cost besides printing and shipping that thing. |
"Triggered" is not the reaction I had to it, but I appreciate that you're looking out for my best interests.
To answer your question, if it would be stupid not to release a legacy edition on the 3DS, then why wasn't the Wii U getting legacy editions of Madden and FIFA? EA could have just as easily shit out legacy editions of FIFA and Madden on that console every year, but it didn't. Before anyone mentions the whole relationship breakdown between EA and Nintendo over the Wii U's network, keep in mind that the 3DS is just as much of a Nintendo product.
On top of that, why did the 3DS get unique versions of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Arkham, Ghost Recon and a port of Metal Gear Solid 3, while the Wii U got diddly squat from those IPs outside of a launch window port of Arkham City? It took more work for the devs to create either original games or work with inferior hardware than it would have taken to port the respective games of those IP from PS360 to Wii U.
In forum after forum in those days exactly a decade ago, you all said it's because the Wii U doesn't sell and people don't buy such games on Nintendo consoles. The 3DS sold decently enough and its third-party support was decent enough to be decently supported by 3DS players. Even moreso with the Switch: publishers feel confident enough in the consumer base to greenlight new games, annual sports, and miracle ports where feasible.