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shikamaru317 said:
Machiavellian said:

Let me ask you this, did Ori going to the Switch also make you feel the same way.  I mean out of all the games that is coming out on the MS platform, 2 games going multiplate is getting you feeling a certain way.  I have said this before, MS does not care about what you care about.  MS is never going to win the console war because the console war is over.  In order for MS to see real success they have to think way different and upset the market in a different way.  MS does not care if you do not purchase a Xbox next gen because you fear you can get their games on PS, Nintendo, PC, Smart Phone.  They have moved on from that type of thinking and they are more concerned about getting you into GP, no matter what hardware you are on or just playing their games no matter what platform you choose to use.  The game is different and you guys will have to realize, at some point, that MS is also different in their approach to the market.

I already woke up and realized that Xbox's vision no longer aligns with mine, nor does Sony's for that matter, it's why this will probably be my final generation buying a Microsoft or Sony home gaming console. They're both trying to sell people on console hardware while simultaneously putting all of their so-called exclusives on PC. Sony at least waits 2 years or so to port their 1st party, but they're both doing it now. What purpose does a console serve these days really? Exclusives no longer exist, you get less customization of graphics/framerate options, pricing is barely better than comparable PC hardware, PC is more controller/gamepad friendly than ever before, you have to pay for multiplayer on console but not on PC, crossplay on basically every multiplayer game these days means you're stuck playing against mouse and keyboard players anyway just like you would be playing on PC with a controller/gamepad, PC has the largest game library by far, not only across all generations but within each generation as well. Consoles have lost nearly every edge they once had in the console vs PC debate, about all that's left now is a small price/performance advantage that really amounts to nothing in the long run thanks to paid multiplayer on console

I will stay subbed to Gamepass obviously, there is no denying it is the best value in gaming by a country mile, even more so because it's free for me thanks to Microsoft rewards (and will cost even less of my reward points once I switch to PC since the PC Gamepass codes cost less than Gamepass Ultimate codes). In a way I'm doing what Microsoft wants, by staying on their ecosystem at all, but at least I won't be a big enough dope to give them $500 again (likely more for the high end console model next-gen) for an Xbox console and then miss out on many games since quite alot of developers don't seem to want to port to Xbox hardware. 

To each their own.  I stop doing PC a long time ago because I just do not care about the grind of always getting the latest hardware or upgrading constantly so I can experience better graphics.  At the end of the day, I just stop caring about those things I use to care a lot about when I was younger.  Now I just want to load up a game and play and not worry about messing with settings, drivers and a host of other issues just to enjoy my experience. While I do have a PC capable of playing the latest games, I rarely use it for games since my Job basically have me in front of it for 8 hours a day.  I usually decide on which console I purchase first based on which system gives me the best experience, currently that is MS box but that could easily change to Sony depending on both their moves in the coming years..  I also do not care about exclusives all that much.

As you stated, you are doing exactly what MS want because they do not care about hardware in the same way console players think.  They are more focus on eco system and how they can get you as a customer that stays in their eco system no matter what hardware you choose to use.  While exclusive are key for a console what I have seen is that its not key for success.